Official FNATI Wiki
Official FNATI Wiki

Cactus Kid (more specifically referred as "Cactus Kid Mickey") is an iconic suit of Cactus Kid, and is one of the three Quaternary and cartoonist antagonists in the game Five Nights at Treasure Island, alongside Suicide Mouse and Willy.


Cactus Kid appears to be an innocent-looking Mickey Mouse toon on a poster, but after awhile of the player pulling up the monitor, he will become hostile, and attempt to attack the player.


As the name suggests, Cactus Kid appears to be identical to Mickey Mouse, however, the only differences upon him are his skin-color and his clothing being recolored to yellow. His tongue is pink, and his eyes are depicted black (basically similar to those of Disembodied's, Suicide Mouse's and Willy's). On his pants, he has tiny circular orange buttons.


Cactus Kid becomes active starting on Night 4 and continues activity through the rest of the game, but can also become active on Night 1, which is a rare occurence. He will be disguised as a poster linked "Cactus Kid" in the office. After raising the monitor a few times, Cactus Kid will still be disguised as the poster, but he will look at the player. Raising the monitor constantly many times will result in Cactus Kid to actually start to emerge from the poster. First his left arm, then his head, his right arm, a little bit of his legs, and then he's fully out, standing in front of the desk in the office. The player needs to shut off a camera to send him back to the poster, hide under the desk, giving the player 50/50 chance of surviving, or the player can turn off the power to also get rid of him. If the player fails to comply with these mechanics in time, Cactus Kid will attack the player.


Cactus Kid will start in Character Prep 1 before emerging from his poster. He will then move to the Staff Area, move to the Meat Freezer, the Bathroom, the Lounge, and the Roof, and will eventually head into the Office.


  • Cactus Kid is one of the few characters that doesn't talk when he moves. However, Cactus Kid can have an option to speak when moving.
  • Cactus Kid is a holder name of Mickey Mouse, but it might stick.
    • Cactus Kid is one of the few characters you have to hide under the desk from. But it's more likely that you have to shut off a camera or switch the power off to lure him away.
  • According to the creator Matthew Phoenix Rodriguez, Cactus Kid is said to be linked to Willy and Mickey Mouse.
    • The original Cactus Kid Model was made by Mr. Landwii, but the remake was made by Liquid Lampz, and the current was made by WarriorGames.
  • Cactus Kid is added to A:DI 2.0, and Five Nights at Treasure Island: The Fan-Made 1.0, and also the Fan-Made 2.0.